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Our Achivement 120th Anniversary

We carry all we’ve learned from our history into a new era.

Nanbu Bijin celebrated its 120th anniversary in 2022. Five generations of the Kuji family have upheld the family motto left to us by our founders: “Quality Above All Else” and we continue to brew Nanbu Bijin – a sake of true beauty – with the traditional skills and spirit of the local Nanbu brewers, who always strive for excellence.

From Ninohe to Iwate, to all of Japan, and then… to the world.

This small sake brewery in Ninohe, founded by the first generation, has now become a world-renowned sake brewery after 120 years of history.
We are here today because we have continued to evolve over the past 120 years, boldly working on new technologies while preserving the important sake traditions that must not be changed.
While cherishing the traditions we have built up over the years, we will continue to move forward with the people of Ninohe and Iwate as a brewery that is loved around the world for the next 10, 50, and 100 years.

All over the world, toast with sake! Kanpai!

We thank you for your continued patronage of Nanbu Bijin, Iwate’s locally brewed sake.
From Iwate to the world!

  The Fifth Generation of Nanbu Bijin Co.Ltd.