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Planting “sakamai (rice for sake brewing)”

rice planting

Now it is the season for rice planting here in Iwate-Pref.!

The Nanbubijin staff went to the rice paddies to help to plant rice for Nanbubijin sake brewing (^-^)

Image (top): “Miyama-Nishiki rice” using for our “Hōbai” sake. This Miyama-Nishiki rice grown without the use of agricultural chemicals. Instead, using “Aigamo” farming method*.

Image (bottom): “Gin-Otome rice” using for our “Tokubetsu-Junmai” and “Daiginjō” sake. Grow up big and strong!!!

*Aigamo farming method – releases aigamo ducks into a rice paddy about one or two weeks after the seedlings have been planted. The ducks help the rice seedlings grow by eating both insects and weeds that get in the way. Also, the ducks stir up the soil in the rice paddy with their feet and bills, a process that increases the oxygen content of the soil, making it more nutritious for the seedlings.
